Not really my media of choice, but I took a class a couple semesters ago and made this for a “kiln god project”. Basically it was a project based around early belief that small kiln god figurines protected whatever was being fired from evil spirits. Being the Battlestar geeks you are, you might recognize the figure…
Its not exactly a replica (so the amazing Battlestar artisan crew don’t sue me), but I based it off of the Aurora figurine Starbuck treasures in the show, and gives to Adama. He eventually gives it back after she returns as Starbuck 2.0. I found it interesting how this figurine still stays with me and still pops up in the show in season 4. Then I came across this from the battlestarwiki: According to the book of Pythia, a temple dedicated to Aurora exists on Earth. When the Fleet arrives there they find a ruined city with a structure very similar to the one depicted in the book, but probably don’t immediately recognize it (Revelations).
It was hard to make out anything out of the bleak landscape but I think the Errf story is pretty much closed.
In retrospect, I thought it was kind of cryptic foreshaddowing what happened to my project after this one. It was a ship I was building; yes, after Adama’s own hobby, but it ended up destroyed just like his. But this was several months before he broke down after discovering Errf.
Anyways, I haven’t checked out all the threads here, but have you guys ever made anything Galactica themed?