Catching up on Doctor Who : Series 4

So I’ve been lately working my way through Season4.
I’m watched “Partners in Crime” and “The Fires of Pompeii” so far. The Pompeii shots looked so authentically Roman that it makes my wonder if they somehow got to use the sets from the HBO series “Rome”. Probably not, but it looks so close in terms of visual look.

I’m liking Donna as the companion. A nice contrast to seeing a somewhat stronger willed sidekick this time around.

Donna started off a bit shaky, IMO, but she’s easily my favorite companion, ever. She really was a welcome change from the blind adoration of Rose and Martha (and even Jack). She really dealt with the Doctor more as equal, such as we’d only ever seen from other Time Lords back in the old series. You’re really in for a great ride with their fourth series.

They did use the “Rome” sets. There was a little problem when, before filming, there was a set fire on the Rome sets that delayed filming “Fires of Pompeii” until much later in the filming schedule.

Nice. "…fire on the Rome sets that delayed filming “Fires of Pompeii…”? Now THAT’S how I like my irony.
I knew they looked too similar to be a coincidence.

I agree. when Donna Noble was the “bride” in the xmas special, i did not really care for her. But, as a side kick travel companion she really is fantastic. ( and I have a thing for Rose.)

You really are in for a fun ride with series 4. And you get to see King Aurther himself, Nigel Terry from Excalibur in an upcoming episode called “the doctors daughter”. keep us up to date on your viewing… they are fun to talk about.

Not that this information is of any use to anyone, but I saw Excalibur in the movie theater when I was 16, and it was my first car date. The girl (Stephanie) drove—I didn’t have my license yet. :o

Season 4 is fantastic. I don’t think I could even pick a favorite episode. But here are my thoughts on the ones you’ve watched so far:

Partners In Crime: I think the best part of this one was the pantomime scene. I totally cracked up! And the appearance by you-know-who at the end was a bit of a shock! And how sweet was the fly-by at the end for Grandpa? :slight_smile: Most of all, though, what I loved about this episode was the way they established Donna as a no-nonsense “pal” for the Doctor. I do think they over did it just a little with the “mate” scene, but over all a good ep.

Fires of Pompeii: Oooh! The Sybilline Sisterhood was delightfully creepy! And the Doctor/Donna dynamic was funny and heart-breaking. The whole conversation about going back and saving people had me in tears. Oh, and BTW, did you notice this Sybilline Sister?

That’s Karen Gillan. The new Companion for Matt Smith’s 11th Doctor. (2010 season)

But, IMHO, these were the shakiest eps of the season. I can’t wait till you get to “The Doctor’s Daughter”, “The Unicorn and the Wasp”, “Turn Left”, “Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead”… Oh, hell, the whole rest of the season just rocks. I am eager to hear your reactions… :smiley:

Nice going. Now Skynet is gonna know where exactly to send the terminator to mess with your 16 year old self. :slight_smile:

I think Martha is actually my favorite but I do love Donna - I liked that she wasn’t in love with the Doctor like the others were.

Ooo…Darn!! That was very foolish of me. A couple years from now I’m supposed to be leading humanity’s resistance against the machines, but know I’ve ruined everything by letting the machines I’ll be at the Strand movie Theatre in Ipswich, Massachusetts on April 10, 1981!!
Dooh! I did it again!!! Nooo…

My favorite at this point is definitely Martha, but then I haven’t watched all of Season 4 yet either.