Castle 4x05 Eye of the Beholder

Could be - the technology signature could easily be transferred to an apprentice.

Of course she was an art thief before the insurance gig

You really want to nail her don’t you…


Interesting that she admits she was a thief, I’m fairly sure she’s not the murderer? But I’ve been known to be wrong

I’m not sure I feel about portraying Beckett so catty about this other woman.

Girl from Ipanema muzak, love it.

swat team from ipanema :slight_smile:

so why is she still in her date with Castle getup?

It’s got to be still in the museum.

Is the fist still in the museum?

You don’t understand?

um, no lady. You’re crazy. 1% and all…

“I don’t steal things that belong to someone else”
o rly??

Really, they charged him for it?! Ridiculous…

oooh the Halloween episode is always fun. Though nothing has beat the “space cowboy” costume episode… and nothing ever will :wink:

So say we all :slight_smile:

“…Jason Bateman…”
“Hey, that got me out of a ticket once.”

Hehe. I am not sure I ever made the connection before, but I see the resemblance now.