Castle 3x23: Pretty Dead

Nonsense, Badger, I’m sure you have a nefarious plan to make sure I’m the only GWCer watching Castle :stuck_out_tongue:

college roommate: Elle Woods on Steroids. OUCH.

well I do like sequins, on principle.

Sasha Roiz!

um she broke up with him? what?

On marriage:
“There’s no secret. Just keep showing up”

25 is old? Well I guess I’m screwed.

why she was murdered… dun dun duuuuuuuuun.

nudie pictures!

pageants and naked pictures are like socialites and sex tapes
oh, Castle.

Beckett’s the one who notices the artistic composition, nice.

It smelled of hairspray, perfume, and cigarette smoke. I’m surprised we didn’t spontanously combust.


Well I called the “boyfriend” being dead

Awk-ward !

the agent. huh.

he’s gonna retire! :eek:

“he’s the brett favre of the nypd” muwahahaha

Castle’s series of “what?'s” are ones I echo. Huh?!

and season finale next week. !

I see that as a death flag…

“I was a month away from retiring… urk

SAM!!! i miss his arm porn.

i really hope you are wrong… i love the captn