Castle 3x12 Poof! You're Dead

Also hellooooo Ryan’s three-piece suit. Rrowr.:smiley:

How fortunate that the film crew caught excellent footage of the caterer, you know, instead of the famous guy. :rolleyes:

How fortunate that the film crew caught excellent footage of the caterer, you know, instead of the famous guy.

Yeah, instead of switching to another angle or to pundits in the studio.

More money than Oprah? You know this is fiction now…

This ponzi scheme sounds familiar. d:

He’s in the van.

I knew someone faked their own death. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, you called it. d:

I was way off though. Oh well.

“I faked my own death. That’s not a crime.”

Well for starters I’m sure his insurance company wouldn’t be too happy…

Okay that’s awesome, but I’d like to see the look on the judge’s face when that confession gets explained in court.

Um, faking your death is a crime, particularly if you intend to do so to escape prosecution.

I take it the Canadian feed is a little ahead? :slight_smile:

Usually a safe bet. :slight_smile:

I think so. Or, Comcast is behind.

Did it start right at 10 for you?

Woah, that looks like 2 parter or mid-season cliff hanger.

I know a lot of the Canadian channels do get a little ahead so they can shove in more commercials at the end.

…And which means we don’t get to see the previews for next week. :mad:

According to the cable guide, it was supposed to start at 10:01.

OK, same here.

I just get lazy when I put in the time on the schedule and skip the :01. :smiley:

Because that one minute makes all the difference of course! :wink:

This was fun; see you next week!

Glad you could join us! Check out the calendar and see what else we’ve got coming up. :slight_smile: