Castle 3x12 Poof! You're Dead

Clearly, the guy faked his own death.

TA-DA! :stuck_out_tongue:

Isn’t Johnny Depp the Johnny Depp of Magic? :rolleyes:

Lol. Nice cover. Not.

Strange huh? d:

OK, that was pretty awesome. :smiley:

Wow, she’s finer than usual.

Lol. I like her trick better.

Haha Castle’s such a five-year-old at times.

Called it! :smiley:

Zombie! Hide the brains!

Everytime I hear Zalman, I think of the manufacturer.

I don’t think so. d:

Evil twin? :wink:

Obviously a twin that no one knew about.

“If this was a movie–”

It’s a TV show, Castle, get it right. :smiley:


“What am I supposed to charge him with? Being a twin?”
“Being an evil twin! In a magical murder!” :smiley:

Were-rabbit Castle.

Reams of Lanie/Esposito fanfic set in the morgue posting to in 5…4…3…

Strange, professor X, now Magnus.

Lol. You really do belong here. (:

“Well whoever he killed went out with a bang.”

I’m not sure whether that look from Castle was because the line was so obvious or because Ryan got to it first. :smiley:

The Gates dude!