Castle 3x06 3XK

Monday, 25 October 2010
10 PM Eastern/Pacific

Secret admirer etiquette! oh my

a theory to share with the class?

crap my show memory is not going great, which case are they alluding to?

“That was my idea.”
“Yeah, but I only listen when it comes from her.” :stuck_out_tongue:

or: it’s not a case we’ve seen before, but that our favorite detectives are familiar with

Considering it was four years ago, and this is only the third season, I think we can comfortably assume that this is referring to events preceding the show.

the way they were talking about it fooled me into thinking I should know what they were talking about

(it’s been a long day)

Ghetto Iron Man is awesome!

I’d rather wear that one than the plastic one from Target.

“Found a penny. Under the circumstances, is this still lucky?” :smiley:

It might be difficult to fit into a child-sized costume :stuck_out_tongue:

oh, the family of former victims… I wonder what piece he is of the puzzle

That’s half the fun. :rolleyes:

oh, the family of former victims… I wonder what piece he is of the puzzle

I’m going to go out on a limb and say he’s the killer.

special kind of creepy guy

I’m not sure how we’d get to that… but we’ll see

Maybe not the original killer, but who better to do a copycat crime than the family of the victim? Maybe he’s trying to frame the real killer? Or he was having an affair (note that he said his marriage was ending).

Hey! It’s Toby! :slight_smile:

My approach to watching mystery/procedural shows: I don’t actively try to guess what is going to happen, and am pleasantly surprised when I kind of guess before the information is revealed

I’m just the opposite. Most of my enjoyment comes from trying to figure out the mystery. I actually enjoy it more when I’m genuinely surprised by the end.

:slight_smile: Yet we can both enjoy shows like this. Yay!

Totally off topic, but I love Beckett’s hair today.

Dude, he just called the boss “affirmative action.” wtf, dude

Yes, it’s reaching a good length. Really frames her face, going back to last week. :stuck_out_tongue:

Dude, he just called the boss “affirmative action.” wtf, dude

General rule of thumb: we’re generally not supposed to like the serial killer. :slight_smile:

smooth move, threatening the families of the cops