Castle 2x15 Suicide Squeeze

Monday, 8 February 2010
10 PM Eastern/Pacific

“Yes, you come from a long line of the hucksters and charlatans, much like myself. We have high hopes for you.” :smiley:

“Castle is famously fatherless.”

OMGs, did the midi-chlorians make him??? :eek:

It’s the Devil! :eek:

“The pen is mightier than the sword, but the baseball bat is pretty effective, too.” :smiley:

Yupo Its my guess that he is the killer…

Nah, he’s evil, not stupid. Agents don’t earn from dead clients.

I think it’s the friend. He and the wife were having an affair.

But the agent was worried about bad publicity…so he killed him

Bookie makes a good point.

Bad publicity, because the guy’s wife was cheating on him?

He could only go up from there.

I did like that line :slight_smile:

Aw Beckett’s such a fan-girl

Did you just say “veritable”?



You should hear me say “fallacious”.


No bad publicity from the Cuba trip. Affair is to easy

Which is why you’d never expect it! :stuck_out_tongue:

See…the devil can make his death a bigger story…in his death and thus make more money.

A-ha! He was have an affair with Tommy, and the wife killed him!

I was just thinking that.

As Thot says, it’s always a love story. :stuck_out_tongue:

heheh Castle is a Bastard

“How could Gram not know?”

Um, she’s a slut? :eek: