Castle 1x09 Little Girl Lost

Monday, May 4th, at 10 PM ET/PT

checking in… though there are randomly dancers on the tv. curious.

Yea Castle always seems to start a minute or two late…

“holding a gun…Strategically!”

love that line.

basically I love all the reparte between those two! :slight_smile:

Why call me?

Cause I like pissing off the FBI!

I love these guys!

Agreed! The writing is wonderful, the chemistry perfect!

“Writer of wrongs.”

So great! Ha!

Initiative! Another Whedon-crossover! :eek:

I think Castle is gonna go a little overprotective of his daughter this week.

You bet. (And I love the scenes with his daughter, too!)

“You were not asking very loudly.”
“I know. I’m like a Jedi like that.” :smiley:


that tie. :stuck_out_tongue:

Two weeks! Is that paper or silk?

I believe it’s whipped…


Wow Greys Anatomy has been going on for 100 episodes…i didnt think ti was going on that long.


A friend lent me season 1 on dvd and I watched it when sick once. It was fine, but it wasn’t stellar. Seriously that gets 100 episodes and Firefly didn’t? If Dollhouse doesn’t get renewed it’ll confirm my lack of faith in humanity’s taste…

It’s still on?

I keed. I keed. I’ve never seen.

Ohh a CSI Miami Slam…whcih airs opposite Castle

Is the momma from ER?

These people are way too relaxed with their daughter missing.