In the book version of Goldeneye there’s a reference to a blue police box and a strange man.
It’s one of those wacky nods that are put in things to make massive nerds like me laugh.
In the book version of Goldeneye there’s a reference to a blue police box and a strange man.
It’s one of those wacky nods that are put in things to make massive nerds like me laugh.
Probably best to agree to disagree on this one! :o
Micronauts and Rom were both licenced, and still have effects today, Bug from Micronauts is in Guardians Of The Galaxy, and Marvel keep doing Space Knights stories, just not ones about Rom himself!
Damage Control is definitely owned by Marvel, they even have an Ultimate version, but Ambush Bug is DC… and I’m STILL waiting on issue 6 of that series!
So now Norman Osborn has control of JOE as well? This is truly a Dark Reign.
I was amazed at how comics which were nothing more than blatant marketing schemes to sell toys, rose to such proud heights once the merchandisers let go of their strangleholds on the writers. Micronauts became very deep and dark and even Rom became adult enough to become interesting.
And as to those Skrull imposters…
Has Marvel ever apologized for stealing the ideas for ‘Secret Invasion’ and ‘Civil War’ from Astro City’? It is just a little obvious… IYKWIM.
Shhhhhhh Quesada will hear you. Busiek writes for Marvel so I think it might be cool with him that they did it.
Lost in the Time Stream? “The Constant” Come on…I expect better from Brubaker than ripping off Lost and Vonnegut so greatly.:mad:
I like how you say Lost AND Vonnegut as if Lost didn’t rip it off wholesale and that’s okay but Marvel doing it is rips off a rip off instead of the original material just like Lost
still mad at Quesada for “Brand New Day”…buttheads :mad:
That’s silly, I can’t think of ONE reason for Spider-Man NOT to make a deal with the devil!
Currently the list stands at 45,890,541 reasons…
Yeah me too, but I took a break from Spiderman since then until about…2 weeks ago or so. I think it was enough time to get over the “Oh so what I just read for years is absolutely pointless? Thanks jerksorrybarbs!”-ness and I’m enjoying it again. =/
Lost was more recently on my mind I believe…and therefore for Marvel to do it so soon after Lost used the conceit makes it worse, somehow, to me. Marvel is a rip off once removed and really, I do think that’s even less original.
Agreed. What was worse to me was that the stories and villans immediately after Brand New Day were so weak. So I stopped purchasing for awhile, although I started picking up the American Son Dark Reign stories and am finally enjoying those BUT MY ANGER STILL LIES BENEATH THE SURFACE, JOE!
I only recently started looking at them again…I still like Spidey in the Avengers…the wise cracking Spidey is awesome