Caprica Season 1.5 Trailer from SDCC


This looks like A LOT will be going on in the rest of the season after we met the characters.


I’m there…
…hopefully it’ll be more discovering who the "one true God " is

Video of the Panel:




Audra’s question is at the 1:30 min mark.



The trailer looked great. And thanks for posting those videos of Comic Con. Glad to see Audra was there and got her question answered (and it was a good one).

Whoa /Neo

WooHoo!! Audra!!

GWCers will note that at that moment the “coolness” quotent increased by a factor of 100,000 (or to the Power of Audra). :smiley:

Nicely done Audra! WOOT!

Woot! Awesome question! How cool is that?

And as many flaws as Caprica has (the biggest being the humongous snooze Joe Adama is), I find myself really missing it. Can’t wait til next season!

Though from the videos, it seems like maybe they’re once again shoving too many ideas and plots into 10 episodes. (S1.5 is 10 episodes, right?)

Yeah, you should be right about that.