Caprica on DVD/Digital Download in April... 2009!

Well it seems we won’t have to wait THAT long after the end of BSG to discover Caprica. According to this press release the pilot will be available on April 21st 2009, sweet.

Oh! So it won’t be a broadcast TV show? I did not know that.

Only the pilot episode will come out this way before SciFi begins broadcasting it in early 2010.

Ah! Well, that’s cool too.

This seems odd. Why go this way? Seriously. WHY?

I’ll be glad for the story to keep going, but would rather it hit broadcast first. It is not good just to sustain. Communities must grow.

Wow! That is dang interesting. I’m really wondering why. Is it some form of experiment? Did Scifi approach Eick and Moore and say, ‘We’ve got an idea’ and they went with it? I really would like to know.

Paging RDM. Paging RDM. C’mon now. We know you are lurking.

The official reason in the press release is so that the creators have an “unprecedented” opportunity to get “feedback” from the fans before the show goes to series. As happy as I am about getting to see new BSG content so much sooner than expected, I kinda hope they don’t pay too much attention to fan reaction, if that makes any sense. I don’t want that kind of responsibility! :wink: In all seriousness, though, there are a lot of things on BSG that I questioned at first but that have panned out to be brilliant. Showrunners run the shows for a reason. I’ve liked RDM’s approach of paying attention to fan reaction but not letting it dictate where the story goes.

Personally, I think Skiffy is just experimenting, trying out different release patterns and seeing what works. For as much grief as we give them (and they deserve a lot of it just for making those horrible movies), Skiffy has been pretty innovative in how they make content available, what with webisodes, S4.0’s live streams, and playing around with when and for how long the episodes are available on Hulu after they air. It seems like they’re trying to find some way to make revenues off hard-core but tech-savvy fans in the age of DVR.

In all seriousness, I think it’s a reminder that there might be something worthwhile once BSG is gone. So, it’s a vote of confidence, ultimately.

I am not sure…I wonder if this is a way for them to “have their cake and eat it too.” The Pilot is produced but the show has not started filming yet. They have huge momentum behind the closing of BSG, so what do you do? Don’t broadcast it: make some easy cash from selling it direct. Come 2010 they can get their advertising revenue when they broadcast it, “For the first time on TV!”

Sounds like double dipping to my ears. Not that I am complaining.

im cool with this idea. i think they should maybe offer to let it stream for a week then offer to sell it like they did with Dr. Horrible.

I bet the idea was “lets give them a taste and them not show anything else for a year or two to make their mouths water over it.”

Can you imagine the potential for theory speculation with so long to wait after the one episode?

It’s not like they haven’t taken that approach before.

In what’s either a coup or a blow for Sci-Fi, the BS:G prequel, Caprica will be available on April 21st on DVD and direct digital download.:slight_smile:

yea this has been mentioned in the Caprica thread. Its in addition to showing it again later in 2010. Its just an experiment for Skiffy. i think a good one that will probably guarantee at least a full order of Caprica if not more. Its good to make money on a show even before they show it. Which it will.

With the other news regarding the Neilsens, I think Skiffy might actually be starting to learn. NAH!!

Yah, I think we’re being played, but that’s ok, as long as we get something good.

Wish there was a “tongue-in-cheek” emoticon. Maybe this :rolleyes: or this? :wink:


I do believe all can be adequate :slight_smile: though I tend to use the roll eyes or the pink face.

My only problem with buying the DVD in April is that I know it will be on the season one dvds as well. (Like Razor and the Miniseries) I’m too broke to buy things twice, so I will probably be other meansing the pilot.