Caprica Final Five Frak Party

As was the polyamory. :slight_smile:


That’s just wrong.

I enjoy watching this guy get smacked down. wasn’t he one of the “bar of soap wrapped in a towel” guys from Pegasus?

OK, we realize that punching you in the face weakens our case somewhat, but seriously, we’re not terrorists. :stuck_out_tongue:

Kind of a crappy anthem. I wonder why they didn’t use the OS theme.

because that’s the “Colonial Anthem” :stuck_out_tongue:

Possibly. I noticed that he was definitely bulging out of his sweater vest in all the right ways. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s really pompous. Like Capricans.

Hello technology.

Of course. That makes sense. :slight_smile:

and I like how the singer is kind of chunky, sweaty, and RDM-looking

Hard to convince people that you’re not a terrorist when you’re gunning down people at a sporting event.

With decidedly less pretty hair. :stuck_out_tongue:

oh, quit being such a poop!

GO ZOE!!! :cool:

Holy Crom! This is EPIC!!

Man, watching Zoe destroy Heaven!

“I am God!”

“Those lives are incidental. If one man is resurrected. It will change the world.”

Subtle. :stuck_out_tongue:

I want that frakking statue.

The Shape of Things to Come.
