Caprica 1x09 End of Line

Friday, 26 March 2010
9 PM Eastern/Pacific

I’ve been watching the Caprica block on SyFy. I think the chick showing Joe around V-world is Tamara. At first, I thot she was the burlesque dude in the club now I think she is the guide.

I wonder what the cliff-hanger is gonna be.

About the dog shooting, don’t blanks actually shoot something? How do they work? Me ignorant. Jon-Erik Hexum and Brandon Lee were killed by guns on set loaded with blanks.

I like the new voice-overs during the opening credits.

Hmmm, did Daniel cause psychological damage to Zoe? That’s interesting. Human brain in a robot. Flawed function in a perfect structure.

“Tell Vergis I’ll sell him the team.”

Awww, man.

“Hello Willow.” ??

I thot her name was Clarice.

Oh SNAP!! She just decked that guy.

“Little boy Barnabas.”


I like Clarice.

Oooh, I like that theory. It would make a nice parallel to Zoe hiding in plain site from her father.

So, they keep showing us the chase. Apparently Zoe escapes.

I like Clarice’s ringtone. :slight_smile:

Was that Serenity chasing Zoe’s van?

I watched anime and lost track of time. Catching up on DVR.

Directed by Roxann Dawson. Wow! B’lanna!! I really have to check the credits more often.

I didn’t watch closely enough but if it is, that’d be a cool easter egg.

Oh. Her name is Clarice Willow.

Package cleared through customs all the way to Gemenon. Tyler Durden’s minions at work. Don’t frak with the blue collar worker.

They’re basically all bang, no bullet. It’s still a small explosion, which is why it killed Jon-Erik Hexum. He put it right up against his head, so the force of the explosion was directed at the point of least resistance, i.e. his head. He actually died from shards of his own skull that penetrated his brain. With Brandon Lee, apparently a piece of debris of some sort was lodged in the barrel, and the blast forced that out at him, essentially turning it into a bullet.

Barring those two kinds of situation (and the unlikely possibility of catastrophic failure of the gun itself), there’s no real danger of injury in most cases.

I agree – he needs rehab not organ meats :slight_smile:

Janet never prescribed organ meats on Stargate.

I approve of this development. :slight_smile: