Caprica 1x08 Ghost in the Machine

Wow, Zoe is cold, at least Daniel was smart enough to put in blanks in case he was wrong.


Puppy = OK

This episode wins the creepy, edge-of-your-seat award for sure.

What you said.

My brother called 15 minutes before the end.

Daniel don’t play.

And wow. I thought the dog was a goner…

Dog gone it…

This episode replays at 11 PM ET, so those who missed it the first time through, prepare to frak!

I r here.


Here we go!!

Papa Joe looks like an addict.

ETA: And now he’s taking drugs. The Old Man would be so proud.

Drunk on V-world…reminding me of Brainstorm.

Nice get-up on PapaJoe. He looks like a young Vito Corleone.

Yeah, with them glowy eyes…

Um, be careful Danny. Your teenager is now a 2 ton robot

What did PapaJoe just take?

“But it’s going to be all for the best.”

Oh no. I thot making her rip her arm off was bad. UGH!

Daddy knows best? Don’t trust him, Zoe!!!

A sensory enhancer to improve reaction time.

Probably fries the brain, of course.

Wha…wait… there’s senseless sex???

Without senses, what would be the point?

"You think this is real life? You think this is what I look like in real life?

Best. Lines. Ever.

Reproduction? :rolleyes: