Caprica 1x08 Ghost in the Machine

Friday, 19 March 2010
9 PM Eastern/Pacific

So, I guess we should postpone this. Imma be at the party.

Is the dog Jake grand daddy. :rolleyes:

That was aa TNG deja vu.

I’m trying to do both.

My brain may 'splode, though. :eek:

That’ll mess up the carpet…

I’m right there with you…

Daniel never learns. Because he frakked things up in the first place that got him where he was with the avatar.

Lets see what he thinks will get Zoe out…

Xfinity Soul Train commercial? This is their demographic?

Mad scientists tend not to be very receptive with life lessons.

Amp is the TNG addiction redux.

OK, listening to audo, watching TV show, attending frak party, and participating in chat at the same time might kill me.

I’m gonna have to catch this later. :frowning:

Poor Amanda. Now, I kinda feel bad for saying the character is insane.


Daniel is cruel.

I think she might be played, the other guy might be trying to destroy her to get at Greystone.

Robot will not be affected by emotions nor make a mistake.

Daniel is trying to see if Zoe will react.

This is an intense monologue! He’s really baiting her.