Friday, 19 February 2010
9 PM Eastern/Pacific
Hey! Syfy was just playing Serenity.
How did I not know?
I was too busy watching the Women’s Curling team. And they actually won this time!!!
“Everyone in the 12 worlds is watching.”
Wow. If you thot one world was enuff pressure.
It’s Methos!
Not to mention the gods. :rolleyes:
And I thot my bed was crowded…
Also: Wow. If you thot having one significant other was enuff pressure …"
Bisexual polyamory! Yay!
I forgot about the extended family.
So the cops got a search warrent for Zoe’s school, the shool should have clean out Zoe’s locker the day after she was killed.
There are a bunch of STO members.
Ruh-roh. Blowing up the school! :eek:
Where do you get a bed that can fit twelve?
Has this happened to anyone in High School?
That’s a new way of opening an episode…
So who is the leak at the cops?
I think it’s the director.
It’s odd that they have paper that acts like a portable computer, but their cameras have giant flashbulbs.
I can’t believe that’s Kat.