Caprica 1x04 Gravedancing

Friday, 19 February 2010
9 PM Eastern/Pacific

Hey! Syfy was just playing Serenity.

How did I not know?

I was too busy watching the Women’s Curling team. And they actually won this time!!! :slight_smile:

“Everyone in the 12 worlds is watching.”

Wow. If you thot one world was enuff pressure.

It’s Methos! :slight_smile:

Not to mention the gods. :rolleyes:

And I thot my bed was crowded…

Also: Wow. If you thot having one significant other was enuff pressure …"

Bisexual polyamory! Yay! :slight_smile:

I forgot about the extended family.

So the cops got a search warrent for Zoe’s school, the shool should have clean out Zoe’s locker the day after she was killed.

There are a bunch of STO members.

Ruh-roh. Blowing up the school! :eek:

Where do you get a bed that can fit twelve?

Has this happened to anyone in High School?

That’s a new way of opening an episode…

So who is the leak at the cops?

I think it’s the director.

It’s odd that they have paper that acts like a portable computer, but their cameras have giant flashbulbs.

I can’t believe that’s Kat.