Can't Remember the Name...

…of this comic, maybe because I read it about eighteen years ago. The setting was Earth in the distant future, the plot is “outcast barbarian’s lover is abducted by sorcerer, outcast barbarian ventures into wasteland to rescue lover from sorcerer”.

I beleive it was one of Glenn Danzig’s first forays into comic books…

Anyway, the name of the comic isn’t really important. What’s important is that in this story the earth had completely stopped rotating, thereby turning one side (forever exposed to the sun) into a desert and the other into a frozen waste. Humanity, reduced to a tribal existence, was only able to survive on a narrow band of land in between the two, basically a giant trench of perpetual dusk.

I think that’s a pretty cool and creative concept.

I was reminded of this on the way to work today when I heard a news segment about some scientists who say the earth was knocked six inches off it’s axis by the recent Chilean earthquake, shortening our day by 1uSec.

PS - I think she ends up the ends up choosing to stay with the sorcerer. Ouch for our hero.