Calgary Scifi expo!!

The Calgary Comic & Entertainment Expo is happening April 26 and 27th. I have never been to one of these but I heard this week on Howard Stern that George Takei and Tricia Helfer are going to be there… so I wanna go!

I am very close to booking a ticket, though waiting a day to make sure it isn’t just an impulsive move (as I have been known to do :\ )

Anyone else going?


Calgary is just few hours from my beloved hometown, it gives me something to think about. just not sure its for me, but after all GWC seemed to digg it. so i’ll put it to my brain for a time.

The internet amazes me whenever I remember that we’re all from all over the place, and can communicate so easily.
How cool would it be to say hi to Trisha ?? I will absolutely make a trip to one of these big conventions, but only if there’s a goodly number of BSG folks there…you know?

That would be awesome. IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!!!


Can you imagine the geeks that poor woman has to deal with now on a daily basis ?

“Uh, uh, can I have a strand of your hair ? I will cherish it…”

haha i was thinking the same thing. A day like that must have it’s creepy moments!

A year ago I’d never have considered an event like this, but I’ve somehow connected and embraced my inner geek via GWC and find that I am more open to exploring things like this.

I think I might bite the bullet and book today. the trip will end up costing a good amount of $, so want to wait till end of day to do it.


ps and while it’s cool that tricia is going to be there, I am really going to see George Takei - and I’ve never seen a complete episode of the original star trek! it’s more about his off-screen persona and work. Love that guy!

You know StevieSpin - George Takai is going to be slightly closer to home:

In Baltimore, MD in July along with Mark Sheppard and a few others

If you want a Big convention with lots of BSG folks - Dragon*Con this year in Atlanta is the place to be Labor Day weekend.

There are already 4 BSG actors confirmed, possibly another and I have it on good authority that they invited the ENTIRE cast.

Thanks Rae - See , this is why i knew i should wait a few days before booking! i can see george in july and get my BSG fix locally at nyc comic con (helo and boomer).


rae - do you know much abotu comic con nyc? grace park will be there and it’s around my friend’s bday who is a bsg freak. If I coudl get an autograph I’d be such a hero but there’s no mention of autographs, photo ops or agenda on the comic con site. Any idea? it would be my first such event.


nevermind found it

that sounds cool - plus i’ve never been to atlanta, though that seems so far off right now - my current visa ends labour day actually ha.


Why do I keep thinking you’re in England? (Not important, just random confusion on my part.)

haha really? I wish - I’d love to live in London. I am in New York via Montreal, Quebec. =)

Well the Con runs from Friday to Monday, ending on Labour Day. It is far off, but it is so worth the $60, flight and hotel.