Buffy Season 8

I’m new here so forgive me if this is already a thread (I looked and didn’t see one) but is anyone reading Buffy Season 8 in the comic books? April’s edition was…made for skinamax…but awesome. Would love to hear others comments!

Yes that issue can definately be considered porn.

yes…yes it was

there was another one when Buffy was with the lesbian slayer and they…
…I’ll be in my bunk

I’ve been following the series since day 1.

“They’re [frak]king.” I died laughing.

And, um, yeah… quite a lot of creatively placed arms and smoke in the most recent issue :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve been following the series for a bit now… Found them all digital and read them on my iphone. I was a bit shocked at the Buffy having a bi experience but well it had to happen. It seems that this universe is full of experimental ideas. its a great series and am eager for it to keep going…

Has anyone read issue 36. For some reason every time I try and DL it to my iPhone pages are missing b

I’m reading Season 8 but am behind so I’m posting in this thread but not reading it! I just saw that the first issue of Season 9 came out so I’m ready to catch up. Really, the reveal of Twilight made me put down the books, it was a disappointment. I had a subscription so the books kept coming. Lost interest in the Angel comic around the same time. Gotta pick that back up, too. I’ll check back for discussion when I’m caught up!

I’m going to finish grabbing the run of season 8 tomorrow. I’m around issue #15 in reading, and I have the last 10 or so to hunt down. Now that season 9 is starting, I want to finally catch up. The comics are a huge departure from the TV series. Whedon has utilized the format to go to some crazy places that just weren’t possible on a TV budget. It’s a little out there, and I can see it being a turn off for many people, but I enjoy it. I like the comic format because of all the zany stuff that goes on in the comic book world, and I expected no different from Whedon.

What’s interesting is the Firefly books are very much the same as the TV show, and I feel that it’s because the TV show was so well realized, and in itself, very comic book like, that there didn’t need to be a drastic change in style with the new format.

Season 8 was pretty good. Stumbled in some places, but overall pretty good. Some moments were very “Joss”

The Faith/Angel book looks promising. Going start S9 this weekend.

Just finished reading Season 8. The scale of the story is so much larger than the TV show, and so it was a huge pill to swallow, but I did enjoy it. I think a large part of it was I watched the TV show as it aired, so it grew slowly over the 7 years, whereas I spent the last year collecting the 40 books, then read them all inside a week. If you read it month to month it was probably a bit better paced, so just keep that in mind as you read. The other big thing with Whedon’s work is characters and dialogue are paramount. It’s not always about where they are, but how they act and interact. While the story may have stumbled in parts, I don’t think the characters ever lost direction and I always enjoyed the dialogue.

I haven’t read #1 of season 9, but from the epilogue of season 8 it looks like it will be much more like the TV show.

Season 9 has been real good so far, even if it is probably the weaker of the two Whedon-verse comics that Dark Horse is giving us.

I like all the twists they’ve given us so far.

How is there season 9. Ugh. I really need to keep up on this stuff. Still need to finish season 8.

I have a (semi) related question that y’all can probably answer. I’ve been thinking I might start reading Angel and Faith, but haven’t read any of the Whedonverse comics up to now. Would it be a good place to jump on?

I haven’t been reading Angel and Faith, but I think it’s part of the Angel series. You can probably jump in and suss out the details of what’s happened, but it’d probably be better to read up on what’s been going on in the Angel series’ before starting with it. There’s probably a sumary available somewhere on line.

Finally got around to reading Buffy Season 8 and I find myself, once again, feeling laid bare and violated. I feel like I should talk to someone about what I’ve just been through. I wish I had time to have a thorough discussion but to simplify and summarize:

  1. Overall a very good “thing”.

  2. Had my “AWESOME” and WTF!?!?" moments. “AWESOME” moments outnumbered “WTF?!?!?” moments10-1, but the “WTF!?!?!?” moments were SERIOUSLY HUGE “WTF!?!?!?” moments.

3 and 4 are a wee bit spoiler-y and since it seems like no one else is posting spoiler-y stuff I’ll leave 'em out.

  1. I love that the dialog is just like the show. It was like putting on a jacket that first cold October morning and finding a twenty in the pocket left over from last April.

  2. I enjoyed the art in this more and more consistently than any other comic I’ve read in the last ten years.

I’m going to need to find a Buffy support group if I continue to read these. I went through a rough patch after the end of Angel :groucho: and I don’t care to experience that again. There’s probably a Buffy podcast out there, somewhere…