Buffy season 1 episode 8 I robot you Jane

Season 1 Episode 8
I robot you jane.

Okay so here’s the blunt question which one of you are “Moloch the Corruptor” because i know its one of you…


Buffy: (to willow) you are a thing of evil for not telling me this.

Buffy: (to Xander) You got used to being Bell at the ball

Jenny Calendar: You’re here again? You kids really dig the library, don’t you?
Buffy: We’re literary!
Xander: To read makes our speaking English good.

Buffy: He could be a circus freak he’s probably a circus freak… Willow axe murdered by a circus freak.

Giles: i’ll be back in the middle ages.
Jenny: did you ever leave

Buffy: None of us are ever going to have happy normal relationship
Xander Were doomed.
Willow yeah
(nervous laughter to silence)

Thoughts of a demon controlled Computer nature.

Hot Jenny Calendar oh yeah. she pretty…
Xander gets 10 demerits for ignoring willow
Xander gets another 15 demerits for being Jealous of Willow
Giles 27 demerits for not getting Spider-man reference.

Musty old books vs. web pages possible future Geek deathmatch.

Why do computers always try to kill dudes named Dave.

There’s demon in the internet. (well i think we can’t agree with that fact; and the demon’s called Twitter)

Lets not forget the really really bad Moloch costume. i just wish mark Hamill in a guyver would come in and finish them off.

Xander negative 13 demerits for hitting that dude.
Willow negative 26 demerits for hitting Moloch with a fire extinguisher.
Giles equals awesome for hitting on Jenny.

and the last scene possibly the best end of an episode of the season
Were Doomed…

Xander trying to follow Buffy over the fence and falling flat. thud, oof! classic Xander

man in china transfers money for a contract on his mother’s life–good for him!