Buffy 7x22 Chosen

I’m amazed that Alyson Hannigan doesn’t look like a Shar-Pei now, after making that concerned face so often. :slight_smile:

I’d really love to know the story behind the footwear

Footwear? :confused:

“Lets go talk to the cannon fodder.”
“That’s not what we are calling them honey.”
“Not to their faces. What, you think I’m insensitive?”

He’s right. He is prettier than her. :stuck_out_tongue:

Spike wakes up from the dream saying “I’m drowning in footwear!”

He’s in the basement, under a small army of young girls.

What do you think it means? :rolleyes:

no, he’s not prettier than she is

Trogdor the Burninator! :eek:

Look how they are playing D&D.


there’s gotta be a story–like the cavemen vs astronauts thing

the mystical strength of a doily. that’s just awesome :smiley:

“If you don’t have to go to the bathroom, think about what you are going to face. Better to go now.”

Who’d win in a fight: a vampire with a soul or a sea of shoes?

“better to go now”

Xander is a wise man :slight_smile:

That was a nice moment. :stuck_out_tongue:

it really was :slight_smile: it’s just another apocalypse

Why doesn’t the First already know what they’re planning to do?

Call me wacky, but shouldn’t they have ler Willow complete the spell BEFORE the fight starts?

Oh. My. Gods!