Buffy 7x21 End of Days

Wednesday, 24 August 2011
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific

“Thank God we’re hot chicks with superpowers.”

Watch online at Netflix.

Starting now…

Of course, if the First Evil recognized the danger of the Scythe, why didn’t they just fill the cave with concrete and not call attention to it in the first place?

“The question is can you pry that thing from sold rock before”
“Hem, err, …”

Turok-Hans suffer from the Inverse Ninja Law. :slight_smile:

I love TV explosives, they can bring down a house but the people next to the bomb suffer only minor injuries. :wink:

Running while one of the girls was getting eaten would have been a good plan.

Shaped charges. They divert the explosion around people-shaped holes. :slight_smile:

“It’s clearly mystical.”

Because it’s so shiny? :slight_smile:

“Come on, what does it really matter?”
“Good point.” :smiley:

“Trying to talk will just kill you sooner.”

Anya is such an up person. :smiley:

“I think you should drive, because that scotch made me a little dizzy.” :smiley:

If Xander is getting put out to pasture, maybe he can be part of the Slayer breeding program.

Xander Harris, father of all Slayers. :stuck_out_tongue:

“Besides, if you die, I’ll bring you back to life. It’s what I do.”

Lucky Bastard. :smiley:

“…where it was said to kill… oh. Children.” :smiley:

“Sort of a gulping noise.”

IYKWIM? :rolleyes:

Have you read the Buffy comics?

The first as Buffy isn’t as good a tactician as the Preacher.

The First entering Caleb like that reminds me of Jasmine. Hmm. :eyebrow: