Buffy 7x19 Empty Places

Wednesday, 10 August 2011
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific

“This town, walking anywhere after dark is like an extreme sport.”

Watch online at Netflix.

Starting now…

only three more. I haz a sad :frowning:

Clem has good car taste :slight_smile:

Finally, after 6 1/2 years of death and destruction, people finally get the hint to GET OUT!

Clem! Driving a VW Bug.

“Not that I swing cats. Or eat!” :smiley:


There is one more season of Angel after this…

yeah, Buffy. you…rock

Clem’s actually kinda cute under all that extra skin.

Uh Oh, it’s Sam Kinison’s crazy brother! :smiley:

Willow’s doing the Jedi mind trick. :cool:

but it’ll go double quick :frowning:

Saw Nick Brendon at Comicon this year and happy to report the eye is all healed up. And somehow regenerated…

He’s like Demi-Daredevil! :smiley:

“I’ll see you tonight. Without depth perception…”

Buffy’s got no time for card games!! she’s gotta save the world! and stuff

I wonder what Xander thought of Avatar. :frowning:

Whenever Allison breaks down, she takes everyone with her. :frowning:

Willow totally could have fixed him. Or he could have gotten an evil eye from Wolfram & Hart. :slight_smile: