Buffy 7x10 Bring on the Night

Wednesday, 1 June 2011
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific

“They want an apocalypse? Well, we’ll give 'em one.”

Watch online at Netflix.

anybody home? :smiley:

“Hey! Here, the First… Bank of Delaware.” :smiley:

I was never clear on whether Joyce was just a dream, the First, or her mother really communicating from beyond the grave.

BTW, the actor playing the “real” vampire is Camden Toy, who also played Gnarl and one of the Gentleman. He gets around. :slight_smile:

“Maybe if you threw hot water on him?”
“Good thinking!” :smiley:

I thot Joyce was the First and the demon-thing was the real Joyce. don’t know where I came up with that, tho

“Satanic manhole cover” :smiley:

How’d Joyce become a demon?

yeah, you need some serious creepy, call Mr Toy

not that she was a demon, but that she couldn’t appear as herself, cause the First wouldn’t let her

He also plays The Prince of Lies in Angel.

Dawn has stupid hair in this one

oh, and “Shut up, Dawn!!”

Interesting. That take never occurred to me.

and Gnarl, as you informed me :slight_smile:

who’s the Prince of Lies (in Angel, I mean)

Hooray! Giles isn’t dead! :cool:

nice fake-out they do with Giles in these episodes

Yes, just now, as well. :slight_smile:

He was in the Nosferatu-style vampire in the submarine during WWII.

Anya really shines this season. such an amazing use of what could’ve been a throw-away character

okay, sorry. brain tired. 11 school days remain. fire bad.