Buffy 7x04 Help

Wednesday, 13 April 2011
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific

“Poems. Always a sign of pretentious inner turmoil.”

Watch online at Netflix.

anybody watching tonight?

staking out the funeral parlor–just like the good ol days :smiley:

“What if their problems are weird and tricky?”
“I think you underestimate your familiarity with weird and tricky.” :smiley:

LOL!! leave Dawn in the child-locked kiddie coffin…PLEASE!!!

Granny Vamp FTW!

Oops. Dust. :rolleyes:

I agree. when I die, make sure the casket’s CLOSED

Divorce? Tim Taylor got a divorce? :eek:

oh dear, potentially awkward band geek

I’m anti-casket, really. I figure there’s plenty of good meat left over, so why let it go to waste? I want to be fed to wolves. :slight_smile:

oh…whimper Willow visiting Tara? sniffle

“That’s actually not a bad analogy.”

Xander understands magic. The world is broken. :eek:

who knew mummy-dating, bug-loving, ne’er-do-well hyena-Xander would end up being the wise one?

The principal had “a thing with this guy” and was “gonna bust his ass”.

I’m interested. :stuck_out_tongue:

“Talk like that is taken pretty seriously where I’m from.”
“The 'hood?”
“No, Beverly Hills. Which is, technically, a 'hood.” :smiley:

LOL! he is a certain brand of yummy, isn’t he? :smiley:

“Have you Googled her yet?”
“Willow, she’s 17!”
“It’s a search engine.” :smiley:

OMGs, Xander didn’t know what google is? is the show that old???

LOL!! Doogie Howser fanfic!! Barney!!!

nobody wants to know what you’re thinkin’, Dawn