Buffy 5x12 Checkpoint

Wednesday, 7 April 2010
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific

“Allo, Buffy. Here’s some stuff we know. Pip pip!”

And we are on!

Honestly, I can’t handle being almost killed again.

Glory enjoying her brain squeazin’ :smiley:

Sorry I’m late. :o

Did you hear the Buffy-related news?

Nicholas Brendon of ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ fame arrested, charged with battery

A. Spike is being a real (sorryBarb).

B. Yes, I did hear about that news story.

Yay! Watcher’s council! :stuck_out_tongue:

They’re always fun.

Oh wait, what’s the opposite of fun? :rolleyes:

I love how the scaly hobbits adore her and are utterly terrified by her at the same time.



I love Anya with her made up life story. :smiley:

And Tara’s and Willow’s awkward pride. :smiley:

We’re lesbian gay type lovers.
I ment your relationship with the slayer.
Oh, just friends.

Yep :slight_smile:


Spike’s interview at cross-point was classic Joss. :stuck_out_tongue:

And Spike’s interview. :smiley:

I think I have an inner ear thing…

Love Spike becoming a baby sitter. :slight_smile:

As someone who watched the show from the beginning, this whole development with Spike really blew my mind. :eek:

Really? Chainmail? In this weather?

Chainmail would be so worthless in that kind of fight.

Looks cool though. :slight_smile: