Buffy 2x06 Halloween


Wednesday, April 1st, 2009
11 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific
4 AM (THU) UK/Ireland
5 AM (THU) Germany
1 PM (THU) Seoul
3 PM (THU) Melbourne

“Private Harris reporting for… Buffy! Lady of Buffdom, Duchess of Buffonia, I am in awe! I completely renounce spandex!”

Start at :15?

Sounds good to me.

When else would we start? On time? :stuck_out_tongue:

You catch on fast. :smiley:

I might be wrong, but if the video is black and white, shouldn’t everything in the viewfinder be black and white. What’s with the red text? Or am I being too picky.

I order you to volunteer!

You might be overthinking it a bit. :slight_smile:

It’s not that view finder is black-and-white, but back in 2002, it was before Google invented color. The world was still all black-and-white back then.

How could I have forgotten? I really must brush up on my ancient history.

That first girl Principle Jackass grabbed for volunteering…

  1. Hot.
  2. At least 25 years old. Definitely not in high school.

Keep an eye on Larry. :slight_smile:

Hey dude, looking crogmag as usual.

“hunk of burning something-or-other”

Cordelia? Oh, Buffy, Angel will never fall for that… she’s not his type.

Welcome to the WB universe of the '90s. :slight_smile:

Indeterminate Inflammatory Object.

Not so far.


All these carebears with fangs…