Buffy 1x07 Angel


Wednesday, February 18th, 2009
10:15 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific
3:15 AM (THU) UK/Ireland
4:15 AM (THU) Germany
12:15 PM (THU) Seoul
2:15 PM (THU) Melbourne

“When he is around…it’s like the lights dim everywhere else. You know how it’s like that with some guys?”

Won’t be able to make these today, darn. Got a meeting at school today about the new semester. boo.:frowning:

Boo, indeed. Hope to see you next week. And quick spoiler: Buffy survives tonight’s episodes.

Don’t be so sure. Depending on how you count, Buffy dies somewhere between three and twelve times throughout the series, so don’t assume that just because the show has her name on it that she’s going to survive any particular episode. :slight_smile:

So true that.

Congrats on 9000. Just walked in the door 2 minutes ago to find that no one else is around.

How long do we wait for Lady & Seelix to get here?

yay, Tray!!! the onslaught over, then?

Oh, there you are.

so we begin, then?

I’m still too busy to be here, yet here I am. :smiley:

Who are we missing?

I dunno… Topgun? Talos? Thot? Who else is usually here?

Robin can’t make it, I think.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Not long now.

Onslaught? There was an onslaught?

Remember, you can’t spell “onslaught” without “laugh”! :smiley:

My boss is waiting on me to email him a file which I am “feverishily working on at the moment.” I’ll start on it after the frak.

So when are we starting?

Topgun’s working. Wanna start at :25?

okley dokley.

I was speaking of the invasion of Tray’s domicile by parental units

Works for me.