Buffy 1x06 The Pack

Poor Will…:frowning:

“He’s turned into a 16-year-old boy. Of course, he’ll have to be killed.” :smiley:

I can’t believe you of all people are trying to Scully me!

Remember that from last week? Poor Herbert. :frowning:

poor Herbert

You go inside the cage…cage goes in the water…you go in the water…shark’s in the water…Our shark.

Not getting the reference. Jaws?

Why do I like creepy, possessed Xander?

Damn. Nice call-back, dude.

yes, the shark cage that was demolished in scene 4198

Every girl like a bad boy.

Much less wuss.

You like the bad boys. :slight_smile:

RIP, principle Flutie. It’s the end of the line… no hail mary for you.

I’m just going for a walk…through hyena infested forests…

Flutie, we hardly knew ye. :frowning:


Is being eaten alive by four rabid teenagers just about the worst way to go?

Awwww Flutie. So sad. Sucks to be dinner for 4.

Ask the next principal.