Poor Will…
“He’s turned into a 16-year-old boy. Of course, he’ll have to be killed.”
I can’t believe you of all people are trying to Scully me!
Remember that from last week? Poor Herbert.
poor Herbert
You go inside the cage…cage goes in the water…you go in the water…shark’s in the water…Our shark.
Not getting the reference. Jaws?
Why do I like creepy, possessed Xander?
Damn. Nice call-back, dude.
yes, the shark cage that was demolished in scene 4198
Every girl like a bad boy.
Much less wuss.
You like the bad boys.
RIP, principle Flutie. It’s the end of the line… no hail mary for you.
I’m just going for a walk…through hyena infested forests…
Flutie, we hardly knew ye.
Is being eaten alive by four rabid teenagers just about the worst way to go?
Awwww Flutie. So sad. Sucks to be dinner for 4.
Ask the next principal.