Bsg vs firefly. What to watch

Debated between battlestar galactica and firefly. Firefly won tonight. What about you?

I think Firefly is better for a quick FIX. But BSG as the Arc that make you go all night just getting up to change the DVD.

do you mean BSG the original series? or the re-imagining

if the first one, i’d say just watch Firefly.

if by BSG you mean the Ron D. Moore reimagining, then watch Firefly first, then watch BSG.

The GF was quicker to come around on Firefly, but she’s really into BSG right now. She even likes “Black Market” and “The Woman King”(!)

Well I only own bsg seasons 2.5 and 4.0, while I have the firefly boxset withevery episode

in that case, until you found a way to view BSG in order from the miniseries, i suggest you watch Firefly + Serenity the movie first.

Oh yeah, missed that. BSG really needs to be watched in order. It ain’t Star Trek:TNG.