BSG 4X20 Daybreak pts 2 &3

Head Six! Head Baltar! LOVE IT! LOOOOOOOVE IT!

Head love. “You can see them too?!”

Oh, Athena. Oh, Boomer. And poor Hera, present for it all.

But in the end Boomer made her choice, cueste lo que cueste.

And I KNOW there’s a deleted scene there (Boomer remembers when she kept screwing up landings and said she’d make it up to Adama)

Grabbed my DVD. I think the one we’re watching is the broadcast version - the DVD has the unaired extended episode as a special feature (which means it wouldn’t probably be up on Netflix)


And finally we get to the mystery of the opera house!

I know a lot of people don’t like the mysticism and God-talk of the conclusion of the series but I quite like it. Still.

I just noticed that Hera is wearing sort of a mini-Greek Goddess outfit. (at least from the back)

I know it’s just fiction but this playing out still gives me shivers

the visions foretold are completed…

Caprica is furious and awesome and kick-ass

"this “thing”?

Thank you BALTAR!

God’s not on anyone’s side.

Good and evil, we created those.


HAHAHA Cavil on the phone

“how do I get an outside line? Do I dial IX? Hope my secretary isn’t dead”

so - directly onward?

Potty and drink break-resume on the hour just in case someone shows up.

(but we’re on the same thread so anyway)

I did send out a reminder with the GWCNews twitter… but a lot of people aren’t big into re-watching BSG (not a feeling I share… I may binge-watch the whole series again starting next week!)

So you’re the power behind that account…

Also-having the 1st real storm of the season right now. Hoping power stays on.

Ah, the final previously, on Battlestar Galactica…

Uf! Stay safe in the storm

and I’d say “a” power - not the only one :stuck_out_tongue: