BSG 4X20 Daybreak pts 2 &3

Wednesday 5/15/2013 at 10:05PM EST

15 minutes until THE FINAL JUMP.

5 minutes…

and begin FEELS

It’s always when I think things are ready to go that my consoles don’t like to connect to the internet… gah

I’ll blame Cylons. CAVILL!!!

Earth to Cavil: it’s a dumb plan!

OK, I’m looking at a colonial strip club now…That’s not on Picon.

OK finally got the previously to go :slight_smile:

should I pause? I’m now with The Brothers Adama getting drunk with Kara.

If you’d like. Or you can be a few minutes ahead, no worries. I’ll let you know when I get to the Brothers with Kara

Tigh makes their job sound terrible, lol

Well it sort of is compared to desk jobs.

OK to the brothers Adama… the idealistic dreamer with the heart of a true cynic LOL

drunk-in-gutter-Adama is not a very good thing

I’m still standing.
Which means it’s time for shots!

omg Kara! :cool:

I almost thought she wanted to frak there.

Coddle’s such a gruff sweetheart.

“don’t spoil your image, just light a cigarette go and grumble”

And Galactica gets its own hybrid :smiley: