BSG 4X18 Islanded in a Stream of Stars

Wednesday 5/8/2013 at 10:05PM EST

15 minutes until you are ISLANDED. (sounded better in my head)

5 minutes to the final jumps

Here and ready to go!
Just wrapped up Someone to Watch Over Me… gah so mad at Boomer. SO MAD.

YEAH! I won’t be alone! (but I’m having massive allergy attacks so this could get interesting)

and jump time!

that little actress had all the fun, she got to play with the CIC models.

Back to the freaky dreams!

It took me too long to catch up!

half the room thinks Starbuck is nuts the other half thinks she’s right.

By now we should know… Starbuck may be batshit crazy but she’s usually right

Roslin’s line here is just…stabbing my heart. “Neither of my women are dying”

and the captains are planning to gut Galactica :frowning:

! Gaius Baltar !

Gaius and his problems with the ex.

He is so awkward. Damn it, Gaius, tell her you love her. Actually express yourself.

And Caprica is THE BEST.

ACtually, are those Hera’s only actual lines in the entire series?

Not at all awkward is this Giaus?

Scenes in Galactica’s bathrooms are always awesome. If sometimes terrible. But this one with Kara and Gaius is great.

Dear Star Trek-show more bathrooms. Signed, BSG