BSG 4X15 No Exit

Wednesday 4/24/2013 at 10:05PM EST

5 minutes to jump

Best opening EVER. From this open onward is the final act (and maybe could be watched in 1 sitting but wow that would be awhile)

It’s almost like that centurion was like “oh yeah, I should retract the claws”

Skeeve-master John Cavill ladies and gentlemen!

“Justice” as an excuse to be an ass.

“you’re full of surprises today” = “you’re so full of shit”

The dying leader really wants to pass things off now.

I wish the corner-cutting would have been covered in Caprica or maybe if Blood and Chrome went to a full series.

the first reference to THE EIGHT

well if dark matter is like Futurama dark matter, you don’t want to smell it.

takes me a little out of it but THE MASTER OF ALL WORLD KNOWLEDGE!

his randomness makes him sound like a hybrid

Oh John, stop bitching about how it never dawned on you to take a look into how resurrection worked until it was taken from you.

a baby moving is always a weird thing

The Cylons were really a culture without art. Which may have contributed to their falling for Cavill’s insanity.

She’s old. Things aren’t well and the only solution-going Cylon.

and now, Hodgman operating on Lex Luthor!

(insert Doctor Who crack reference here)

RAptors-where can’t they park!