BSG 4X12 A Disquiet Follows My Soul

Wednesday 4/10/2013 at 11:00PM EST

9 minutes to jump (since the last one ran long)

Gaeta does the previously-hope something crappy doesn’t happen to him!

the morning grooming habits of the wild Adama

Cottle and the bedside manner!

Because who doesn’t love an ultrasound.

And instead of drinking-smoking in the medbay.

yes Felix, kids DO have priority, not Cylons per say.

jobs changing every day? Lee and Helo need to form a club.

OK, Tom and Bill just need to unzip and measure and get it the frak over with.

“Maybe you’d like a chart to keep it all straight” - best response

Bad news for Nicky :frowning:

And Callie sort of…slept around I guess.

This is President Roslin telling you to say NO to drugs (even the anti-cancer ones)

Laura you suck at lying.

Snark off! Gaeta vs Thrace!

so does he get many pity fraks?

one later watching, Zarak actually starts to make sense. Only by being the audience do we see how dumb he is.

take your medicine! stop running and get to the doc.

the church of Baltar-always good for…something.

We should strike down God! But first Chief needs “a word” with HotDog…

Devil’s advocate here BUT it’s too convienent that everything is a “military concern”