BSG 4X08 Sine Qua Non

Wednesday 3/27/2013 at 11:00PM EST

10 minutes to Crowl…I mean certain lawyers…


Adama’s letting his hate get the best of him again.

Adama’s had it with the mother frakin’ visions on his mother frakin’ ship!

oh Zarak…you are such an a-hole. Even when you’re right.

All hail Lampkin! And mystery kitty…

“I understand you have a relationship” oh Admiral you have NO idea…

Crazy Saul time!

and Racetrack finds the dead body. because she’s a finder

The Quaorem really does seem to be whiny bitches.

and Adama is in denial about the rebel baseship.

yeah, these 2 just needed to have a good old get everything out there fist fight.

Starbuck really REALLY telling it like it is in a polite manner.

And Lampkin talks sense into Adama.

…and then he talks himself into something else.

WHAT’S IN THE BO…BAG! oops…that’s not a good thing…

“They” killed it.

“you’re not the same man you were” - UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE CENTURY!

more guest spots for Jake please.

Hera is about the best behaved child EVER.