BSG 4X05 The Road Less Traveled

3/20/13 at 10:05 EST

10 minutes to jump

5 minutes to jump…

spooling drive…jumping in 3…2…

the only person able to talk to Starbuck

Who doesn’t love the cult of Baltar! (now on wireless!)

Chief is having none of your crap Gaius! (but baby loves it)

creepy Cylon is creepy

“Take him to my quarters”

well, that sounds kinky Kara…

hi I’m Torry and I suck (Baltar) with the power of 1000 suns.

I get it, Leoban just wants to be the manager for Kara Thrace and Her Special Destiny!

Welcome to the Church of Baltar, meetins every 15 minutes or so episode-time.

OMG! They killed gunney! YOU BASTARDS!

Baltar’s offering a hand of friendship-normally he offers something else but…

as he sings “hit me baby one more time”

and then talks sense into Starbuck

Starbuck is very very bad at expressing her feels.

depressed Chief is depressed. GAIUS TO THE RESCUE!

The voices of reason vs the voices in Kara’s head