BSG 4X04 Escape Velocity

3/06/2013 11:00pm EST

5 minutes til jump…

jumping in 4…3…2…

it’s the “new” opens

1st appearance of Laura’s wig. And Tori is a bitch.

Tigh’s brain giving him a super-mind-frak!

Baltar really hates being the S&M sex god.

and cult on cult warfare…

a very very BAD landing.

Oddly, this is exactly how some religions treat any other faith they encounter. (especially locally)

Tigh, stop getting turned on right now

Cabbage smell!

Roslin the dictator is really NOT a good thing.

Tigh is not attracted to Caprica talking about her ex’s

lots of getting punched in the face this episode. Also, Caprica likes to be a dom.

and…he basically did ragdoll float there before Lee saved him

Baltar actually making perfect sense. Actually on a real hero’s journey (which is very weird)