BSG 4x01 and 4x02 Razor

well now, that was unnecessary

wow, anyone can just LAND in a bay on this ship


“A six is a six, of course, of course, and you should always know a six, of course…”

She was hugging me goodnight.

Papadama flashback time!

I did wish this guy was gonna be able to play young Adama in Blood n Chrome, though I do like me a tatse of that new world and BSG peek!

So funny seeing this now, with Blood and Chrome running…think they’ll link it up?

Not sure how that would have worked out since Blood & Chrome is before this

Gods! That screaming on the com is chilling

If he’s the building and the people are in the building…no problem send a few raptors in and it’s fine…

HOLY CRAP. That’s the guy who plays Coker, the co-pilot!!

I know, he just had that “Adama look” I don’t think the new guy has it as much

It was? shit

The guy pinned behind the door. I’d swear it. Booting IMDB…

Ugh this lab thing is STILL creepy as hell

BINGO. Ben Cotton, “Terrified Man”, also cast as Coker Fasjovik in B&C…

OMGS!!! IT IS!!!

Yeah I agree, he doesn’t have the pock marks

This has potentially very creepy implications…but why doesn’t he recognize “Husker” still pretty cool!