BSG 4x01 and 4x02 Razor

You’re about four minutes ahead of me…don’t worry about it…I’m having enough issues with the stream as is…grrrrr

Rated or unrated version please!

Netflix versions, which we think are rated.

I;m on the Netflix unrated version, the blast just hit the Pegasus, 13:09 timestamp. Shall I pause?

Alright time check?

I’m at 10:30…love the “cup of coffee” speech!

15:04/death of Scorpio Shipyards

Coffee speech is bitchy

But yet classic hazing the noob, and shows a rare human moment from Cain…

OK I might have jumped too far ahead, Pegasus has jumped & she;'s talking to lee?

That’s where I’m at

OKAY. Everyone has seen this damned episode at least five times. Let’s jump to 15:00 even, and sync up. Cool?

ALright I’m there…sorry

oh fine. sync to 15 and restart at 10:30 from there?




Alright, you nerds. GO!

The effects guys really had fun with the shipyard destruction

alright, we’re close enough now that 1 or 2 minutes off won’t be a problem.

Oh, Lee. You pompous nimrod.

I heart pompous Lee.