BSG 3x20 Crossroads, Part II

Hey Look! a Galactica Watercooler! :smiley:

Michael Hogan is a frakking god!

the music, oh the music :slight_smile: I love this cue

This is where I was scared they jumped the shark (like I was at the end of every season)

I love Tigh.

the what about Ellen part… ever foreshadowing of a sort

why yes hello the resistance leaders = final five.

we’re cylons, and we have been from the start. the OH SHIT moment

OK I am a complete sap, I spent the last 20 minutes periodically crying…and now I must head to bed

but…5 minutes!

My name is Saul Tigh. I am an officer in the colonial fleet. whatever else I am whatever else it means that’s the man I want to be and if I die today that’s the man I’ll be.

I totally watched this part a gazillion times infinity times waiting for season 4

Even knowing what was coming, that was still a major “whoa” moment.

that is a pretty nebula.

also, mystical and stuff.

Next week we go straight to “He That Believeth in Me” and skip Razor since we already did that, right? (the forum schedule has Razor next but that’s a netflix typo thingee, right?)

Night all. I don’t know if I’ll make it next week due to work, but I hope to chat with all of you soon.

Yeah I still love this show :slight_smile: tee hee! so great!

I wasn’t around for Razor, but decide and post before hand so I can make sure to have the right disk in the player.

Yeah since we already did Razor I’d just jump straight into season 4, though if I make it at all it’ll be for #2 (Six of One)