BSG 3x20 Crossroads, Part II

Wednesday, 13 February 2013
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific

(Calculate Time Zone)

“I’ve been to Earth. I know where it is.
And I’m going to take us there.”

10 minutes til jump. And MUSIC!

I got my snacks, 2 minutes to go…

I forgot to pick up snacks today. oops. (I did get some loose tea that I’m still figuring out)

Jumping now!

Starting now…

It’s a wonder Adama didn’t bleed to death with all the times he cuts himself shaving

Get your fat lazy ass outta that rack!

How did we miss this being All Along the Watchtower all that time?

It really sounds nothing like any other version of it. There’s no way any of us could have.

Oops got distracted in the other room… but I can’t skip ahead :wink:

Also: I think maybe ThotFullGuy picked up on something being the Dylan fan he is

oh fine Sam break her heart right there.

The music is great :slight_smile:

I didn’t get it until they started quoting the text.

Seelix is terrible. Or will be terrible. Or was terrible…

All this was terrible before…and will be terrible again…

oh, Baltar, you got so hopeful there.

HAHA Gotta love Cottle “What the hell is going on?!”

The music is brilliant! =D

“No need to get excited” THat’s when I started to suspect, but didn’t place it with the song yet.

At the time I was just not that familiar with the lyrics to place it…I knew the “There must some way out of here” but I could not have told you what song it was