BSG 3x16 Dirty Hands

Wednesday, 30 January 2013
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific

(Calculate Time Zone)

“I left Aerilon after my eighteenth birthday. I turned my
back on my family, my heritage, all of them, of course
it doesn’t matter though, they’re all dead now…”

8 minutes to jump…

jumping in 3…2…1


“welcome in one of my beds” SUPER SMOOTH ADAMA continues!

Adama with the “wait a minute…I’m the one to give the orders-Laura explain yourself!”

This administration has crappy labor relations.

this is some manual labor intensive shit

Baltar backstory time.

and Baltar oddly describes what’s happening on the ship with work/bar/fight the spouse.

Union!Chief is not one to be messed with.

as much as everyone says “Black Market” is bad because of Lee’s behavoir, The Old Man’s attitude is really really off. He’s willing to kill the wife but not just shoot the ringleader?

Not the pres is sounding like she’s read Baltar’s book and is trying to prevent it’s predictions.

Awww, between this episode and the DS9 episode yesterday (Bar Association), GWC re-watches are all about the power of unions! Woohoo!