BSG 3x14 The Woman King

Wednesday, 23 January 2013
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific

(Calculate Time Zone)

“But there’s a trick to being human:
You have to think only about yourself.”

9 minutes until jump. Remember when we had NO idea what this episode was about?

Never had that problem since I just barreled through them all on DVD…and now Blu-Ray :smiley:


none of that was actually previously (with the refugees) but was great slipped-in backstory for the episode.

Oh God…its THIS episode…the creeper doctor…

Should do a survey-how many civilian docs are in the fleet anyway?

and now-Galactica flu season!

It’s possible a good number considering some of the bigger ships probably had medical staff…

And I wonder how many Pegasus “acquired” during it’s “restock” from civilians. (even if we never meet Pegasus medical staff)

This is true…and did Galactica put them back to Civilian Status after?

damn it’s scary how accurate Zarack is here.

It’s possible after Lee became CO Pegasus he gave them the option, then New Caprica probably saw a lot going planetside.


ahhh, Head-Gaius!!!

and the crew gets to hear half of a conversation with a “head”

It is amusing that no one made the connection to that and the weird stuff Baltar does…

Baltar is better at covering it up. :slight_smile:

True, but he’s been caught with his pants down in much more amusing ways :smiley:

Gotta SUCK for Helo…he knows something is up here…but he’s got nothing to back it up…

Sol should talk about Cylon wives though :smiley: