BSG 3x10 The Passage

Wednesday, 9 January 2013
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific

(Calculate Time Zone)

“Find the hand that lies in the shadow of the light,
in the eye of the husband of the eye of the cow.”

and jumping in

I had forgotten about why they went in search of the algae planet

Food and water reclaimation-best ways to screw up the fleet

I actually forgot any Cylon plot was advanced in this episode at all.

oh c’mon we’re building up to Boxing D’Anna!

Boxing D’Anna sounds like a 90’s movie.

this ex of Kat’s is a total scumbag ass

“I can’t see anything”

Yes, when Athena said you won’t be able to see what do you think she meant?

Baltar is so ridiculously self-centered

“They’re still eating paper is that true?”
“no, paper shortage”

Oh Tigh…

He just wants to belong. This is an interesting phase of his journey.

True. And his instinct for self-preservation really does need to be working on that baseship

Kat and Starbuck. What a relationship.

Ah, yes, the hybrid.

I wonder if Hybrids can be “saved” and downloaded into new Baseships.

Baltar stop trying to crop a feel from the only female Cylon you haven’t! (I don’t think he got a Sharon)

damn she looks horrible.

Why is Helo’s so clean?!

Metaphor for morality?
or continuity error?

this ending causes dusty eye syndrome :frowning: