BSG 3x06 Torn

Wednesday, 26 December 2012
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific

(Calculate Time Zone)

“You were like a daughter to me once. No more. You’re a
malcontent and a cancer, and I won’t have you on my ship.
So you have a choice. You can figure out how to become
a human being again and an officer, or you can find
another place to live, off of this ship. You’re dismissed.”

annndddd JUMP

I’ve always felt the voice over they did for this scene a little disconcerting

It seemed to fit for me…it showed Baltar’s slipping away and how he was holding on to the lil voice in his head as his only safety…that is such a sad and beautiful piece of music…

not what I mean, it’s just clear to me that it was recorded in a studio not on the beach, it’s too clean

gods! 41,422 survivors…they started with just under 50,000…gods

ohhhhhh, well it was in his head…guess it makes sense he’d turn up the volume…

Yeah…it’s the only time they did that though…just very weird to me

awwww, geesh…Kara give her a hug would ya??

ooooooohhhhhhh!!! Bamber abs! Yowza!

oh wow I didn’t notice that Pythia wasn’t in English

OK if they’re projecting, how do they stay in the hall?

Just saw that too…heh…

Hey if anyone would know about talking to a voice in their head…it would be miss Caprica…

Gods, Baltar is so pathetic at times

Gaius doesn’t do anything selflessly

but yet…so right too…

I still love the entire look of this show from the ships to space

can Baltar’s eyes possibly get any bigger?

Say what you want…he does seem to WANT to help them deal with this disease…

…but he panics when he sees the 6 break down in front of his eyes…