BSG 3x06 Torn

Sunday, 21 February 2010
3 PM Eastern - 12 PM Pacific

(Calculate Time Zone)

“Well, while you were pinning wings on your Cylon girlfriend,
our people were strapping homemade bombs to their chest,
doing what they could to take the bastards out. So forgive
me if I don’t get all misty over your sacrifices.”

I love the beginning of this episode.


“Cylon psychology is based on projection.”

Whoa. That sparks a thot from what’s happening in Caprica right now. Zoe, the first Cylon, was born in the holobands.

“I’m an Angel of God sent here to help you.”

She never wavered from that explanation.

The music while on the Basestar is beautiful.


Love Baltar’s back-peddling here.

“We’ve decided Earth is gonna be our new home.”

Then why the frak did you destroy the 12 colonies? You’ve got 12 planets (or whutever) to live on. Just face it, you want what humanity has. Losers.

No more fat Lee.

Laura back in the president’s chair, and now back to finding Earth.

And naked Sharon…

He shaded his eyes. giggle

“But I see it as a forest…”

There is a connection between Baltar’s visions and Cylon projection. I believe there is also a connection to Zoe and the STO.

“Athena. The goddess of Wisdom and War accompanied by the goddess of victory.”

Damn. Hotdog is smooth.

“Hey. We all made sacrifices.”

Here it comes, Helo.

You know what, Cylons? You could leave humanity alone. They’re about to destroy themselves.

Hybrids. Final Five. Earth.

And so it begins.

“Look I’m a trained scientist.”

Gaius is so good under pressure.

“All this “us against them” crap.”

You tell 'em Kat.

“They should know better.”

Ruh-roh! Papadama is ready to set some heads straight.

Enter the Hybrid.

“Do you have any idea what it is talking about?”


“God speaks to us through her.”

Yeah. That makes sense. :stuck_out_tongue:

Who knew? Gaius can pilot a Raptor.

“Left by humans to destroy us.”

This episode has my brain firing! There is so much intrigue.