BSG 3x02 Precipice

Sunday, 7 February 2010
3 PM Eastern - 12 PM Pacific

(Calculate Time Zone)

“I’ve sent men on suicide missions in two wars now, and
let me tell you something, it don’t make a godsdamn bit of
difference whether they’re riding in a Viper or walking out
onto a parade ground. In the end, they’re just as dead.”

My memories of the timeline are a little messed up here.

yeah, me too. thanks, “The Plan” :smiley:

Ahhhh! That’s what the problem is!

wow, Baltar. head in the sand much?

The polar opposite, and yet just as oblivious: Saul Tigh.

“your people will see you as heroes”

or blow you out an airlock
(Cavil forgot to mention that last bit)

Lee’s leaning on a crate of Twinkies.

This episode pulls me in so many different directions. :frowning:

Aaron really resembles a GI Joe doll I had as a kid with that beard of his

Mmmm. Twinkies… :smiley:

I don’t know why, but he makes me think of a commercial fisherman. :slight_smile:

This was one of the worst mindfraks anybody was put through on the show.

With the kung-fu grip? :eek:

I can’t hear that phrase without singing it, ala Sublime’s Caress Me Down. :smiley:

Lee’s ambrosia belly looks suspiciously like Sharon’s baby bump :smiley:

Lost sight of his feet too.

Recycling! :smiley:

and here I was hearing “everybody was kung-fu fighting” :smiley:

yes, I’m old

I could have liked/understood Leoben as a character–fixated on Kara’s Special Destiny–if he hadn’t tried to make her believe Casey was hers