BSG 3x01 Occupation

Sunday, 7 February 2010
2 PM Eastern - 11 AM Pacific

(Calculate Time Zone)

“We’re here because the majority of the Cylon(z)
felt the slaughter of mankind had been a mistake.”

Note Lee’s eyes. He’s totally checking out Six’s rack. :stuck_out_tongue:

bastard!!! :cool:

Hey! It’s Old One Eye! :smiley:

ew ew ew!!! Ellen & Cavil!!! my eyes!!!

Leoben was never more creepy than he was in this bizarre situation.

Motherfrakker! :eek:

So twisted, on so many levels.

Sorry I’m late. Fast-forwarding now…

“Bureaucracy must be served.”

So true.

yep, Cavil definitely fits all the criteria :eek:

OMGs! I never noticed that that came out the other side of his neck. :eek:

Ugh- the fork in the neck was the worst. And she just wipes her hand on the carpet and back to eating. Creeeeeepy…

I love how prim and proper she is while she’s eating, too. Even with his blood all over her hands.

ExacTly, and the light and airy musical cue in the background. It’s so… uncomfortable.

“We’re here to live in peace, as God wants us to live.”
“And it’s been a fun ride so far.” :smiley:

Cavil is brilliant in his smartassery. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sort of reminds of Hannibal Lecter, calmly going back to finishing his dinner after beating a man to death.

if only he didn’t overshadow it with his skeevery :eek:


Hmm, this tent smells like cabbage…odd

Saul talking about his eye…leaving no doubt what a crusty old badass he is